U6L6 – Edit Assignment
SELF-edit – research paper – 4 parts @ 15pts each = 65pts (introduction, problem, solution, & conclusion)
Directions: You will go through the self-edit as directed below. You will be copying over the paragraphs in sections to edit and analyze. If you see spelling, grammar, or capitalization errors, note them as you are reading through the essay. Please remember you are revising and editing your essay to make the paper better, so feel free to markup that rough draft!
What is the title of the paper?
Insert Introduction Paragraph here:
Read the introductory paragraph. The first sentence or two are supposed to grab or HOOK the reader’s attention.
1. What did you use to grab the reader’s attention? Quote? Statistic? Question? Anecdote? Important Fact? Other method:
2. Write your hook below. If there is not a HOOK or the HOOK is not attention grabbing, write a note to fix it. Thesis is not part of the hook.
3. Write the thesis statement
Does the thesis state the problem clearly? ______
Does it make a call for a solution? ____
If it doesn’t do both of those things, then FIX IT!
Insert Problem Paragraph(s) here:
Read the Problem Paragraph: Label (add comments on to the document – locate under the Insert tab at top) who, what, when, where, why of the problem where applicable—remember there may be more than 1 of each of the 5 Ws. If there is part missing, identify what is missing so you can go back and fix it: ______________________
1. Underline textual evidence used to explain the: who, what, when, where, why.
2. All textual evidence is explained (commentary)? Yes/No If no, fix it!
3. Textual evidence has appropriate in-text or parenthetical notation? Yes/No All evidence needs a citation (summary, paraphrase, or quotes)
***If it is missing any part, then make a note and fix it!
1. Highlight and Underline the analysis of the problem (this is the inference bonus).
2. How has the problem already been addressed and why is it not working? AND/ OR What will happen if the problem continues?
***If it is missing, then make a note and fix it!
Insert Solution 1 Paragraph here:
Read Solution 1:
1. Highlight solution 1
1. Highlight definition of solution
2. Highlight the pros
3. Highlight the cons
4. All textual evidence is explained (commentary)? Yes/No If no, fix it!
5. Textual evidence has appropriate in-text or parenthetical notation? Yes/No Bold any areas missing in-text or parenthetical notation
***If it is missing any part, then on the author’s paper indicate what is missing.
Insert Solution 2 paragraph here:
Read Solution 2:
1. Highlight solution 2.
1. Highlight definition of solution
2. Highlight the pros
3. Highlight the cons
4. All textual evidence is explained (commentary)? Yes/No If no, fix it!
5. Textual evidence has appropriate in-text or parenthetical notation? Yes/No Bold any areas missing in-text or parenthetical notation
***If it is missing any part, then make a note and fix it!
Insert Best Solution Paragraph here:
Read Best Solution paragraph:
1. Highlight where the best solution is identified (where it is stated).
1. Highlight the reasons why it is the best solution.
i. Put a **star** next to where the cons of the other two solutions are discussed to prove the best solution is, in fact, the best solution.
2. All textual evidence is explained (commentary)? Yes/No
3. Textual evidence has appropriate in-text or parenthetical notation? Yes/No Bold any areas missing in-text or parenthetical notation
***If it is missing any part, then make a note and fix it!
Insert Conclusion Paragraph Here:
Read Conclusion paragraph:
1. Underline the restatement of thesis
2. Bold the sentence that restates your best solution
3. Highlight your call to action
4. Does the conclusion effectively end the essay? Yes/No? Why/why not?
Compared to your other writing, how does this paper rank? Same? Better? Worse? Why? 3 sentences explaining your answer
Last Thing! Do you have the following:
· You MUST have a Works Cited page (refer to unit 2).
· 3 different types of sentences (highlighted)
· 2 different types of phrases (underlined)
· use of a colon (bold)