Your Task During this subject so far, you have been exposed to various business psychology theories that have an application to individuals, teams and organisations. Being able to apply these concepts In a practical manner is a key outcome of this course. • The purpose of the assessment task is for you to write an essay based on your own persona! exponent° that includes a discussion of the motivation theones you have learnt, and how those may be appbed to your own work history. Being able to do so. will assist your ability to evaluate why it is that some people excel in the workplace. while others may not.
Assessment Description • Summarise the concept of iob satisfaclionfdissabsfaction using 3 (three) role vent theories covered in the course, • Choose a job mat you have been employed in, whether part-time or full-bme, permanent or temporary, In the profit or not for profit sector in which you were either: ‘extremely satisfied’ or extremely dissatisfied’. Descnbe the job and it’s positive and negative features from your point of view. Apply the 3 (three) theones discussed to analyse why you felt the way you dad.

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