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I need one copy  for the option 1 and 1 copy for the option 2.

Option 1 9 paragraphs. Need to finish in 2 pages. So don’t do long paragraph.

For the option 2. You need to do in 1 page

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Go to my emag RagaNet at  https://raganet.com/and read all the tabla lesson articles. There are 9 in number.
Read the articles 1 2 and 3 on the “history of Indian music” and write an essay in your own words.

Finally read about Dholak http://raganet.com/Issues/7/dholak.html (Links to an external site.) and http://raganet.com/Issues/8/rhythm_keeping.html (Links to an external site.) and http://raganet.com/Issues/2/tanpura.html(Links to an external site.)
to get familiar. You can read the other articles if you have time and find them interesting etc.

After you have completed this, send me a summary written in your own words on what you learned from the following. The 1st assignment is mandatory for any missed absences. For the second missed absence, you can select from either choice 2 or 3.

1. Each tabla lesson (9 paragraphs in all). 1 missed absence Credit – This is a Mandatory assignment choice
2. Write a Summary of all three history articles. 1 missed absence Credit – 2nd Absence choice
3. Write a Summary of the Three articles on Dholak, Rhythm Keeping and Tanpura. 1 missed absence Credit – 3rd absence choice

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