1a. Write a research proposal that explains your approach to the given scenario. This should include the analysis of network node density, degree centrality, and betweenness centrality. Your proposal should include mock data to explain the analysis principles to be used by your study. [25 Marks] 1b. Specify how your study will uphold National Health and Medical Research Council (NH&MRC) values and principles regarding research merit and integrity, justice, beneficence, and respect. In particular, discuss the risks and benefits of the proposed study, and how you will manage informed consent. Supply a participant information sheet and informed consent form in the appendix. The information sheet should include a statement regarding how privacy will be protected and methods to collect, store, share, publish, and retire collected data. [25 Marks] 1c. In explaining your proposal to a member of the press, a reporter wants to know if your project is an example of “Big Data”. Give your responses in the context of volume, variety, velocity, veracity, and value. Compare your project to another Learning Analytics project. Clearly state all assumptions (e.g. cohort size, longitudinal data). [20 Marks]

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