Students will form groups and subsequently they will conduct research to write a report on “How Organiational Behaviour study can contribute to Organisation’s success or failure”. They will use an Oranisation to use as example. Subsequently they will conduct research and identify the factors from the perspective of Organisational Behaviour to show the link to the success and/or failure for that Oganisation. Finally they will draw a conclusion and provide recommendation. The report should have the following key parts Criteria Description Words (10% + or -) Cover page All required information Executive summary One to two paragraphs Table of Contents Criteria 1 Introduction An overview/introduction of OB and a brief background of the selected organization Approximately 250 – 300 words Criteria 2 Analysis (main body of the report) Analysis of four factors from the following on the perspective of OB. Examples of factors are – • Stress and well-being at work • Motivation • Communication • Power Politics • Leadership and Followership • Change Management • Organisational Culture Analyse on the perspective of selective organization. Approximately 1900 – 2000 words Criteria 3 Conclusion and recommendation Provide recommendation on the above analysis, link it to the organisation Brief conclusion Approximately 250 – 300 words Referencing Minimum 15 academic referencing Appendix If there is any Within the introduction, body and conclusion sections, sub-headings can be included as you deem fit. Also, a relevant title must be provided for the body section and the sub-headings included in the body. You have freedom to use relevant factors to analyse the success and failure of the Organisation, as long as they are relevant to the Organisational Behaviour. You will do proper academic research by using relevant and authentic sources. More than 15 references should be provided. You will follow Harvard referencing style to provide references of your report.

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