Write a report on current trends on technological innovation and disruptive technologies. Identify few examples of current trends in technological innovation and then focus the report on one innovation in detail. You must be able to identify and synthesize relevant information. You should examine and critically evaluate the most relevant, recent and scholarly research on a topic (in this case, current trends on technological innovation). Write the report by following the structure like an essay: an introduction, a series of body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In this assessment, you will have to complete the following tasks: a. In the introduction, you will have to define innovation, technological innovation, current technological trends and emerging technological trends in business. Identify examples of current technological trends and emerging technological trends on technological innovation and describe in brief about those trends. You can provide many examples. b. In the body of the paragraphs, you will have to identify one current trend of your choice and discuss in detail about that technological innovation. For this part of the assessments, you will have to conduct literature search from current and credible resources to describe one latest innovative technology useful for business information system. c. In concluding paragraph, you will have to explain the role/influence (both positive and negative) of technological innovation and disruptive technologies in businesses and society.

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