• Write a reading reflection notes of chapter one up to chapter 6 in: Simpson, P. (2004),  Stylistics, and Your notes should be clear considering the following components   (Final mark= 10)

* Write each chapter separately. The notes you took during the classes. Write a detailed description of some aspect of the chapters and the experience that you felt was particularly meaningful for you.

* A discussion of what you have personally learned. Also, discuss your plans for improving your learning experience of some aspects in the chapters. You should concentrate on the main points in the chapters. Finally, discuss how the information presented on those chapters are connected with your background knowledge of stylistics and how they improved your linguistic knowledge.

* Your notes should be written in around 750 words for the whole chapters.

*You will be given 10 days to complete the tasks.

* Use Times New Roman font – size 12.

* The paper should be double-spaced.

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