Several small monster trainers have come to you for advice regarding expeditions they’re planning into various regions. You are writing a program to estimate how many monsters they can expect to capture in each region. • You’ve got a Small Monster Index that tells you the name, type, and relative commonality of all the small monsters in question. o (A monster’s absolute commonality is the same in each region. A monster’s relative commonality will change region by region as calculations are performed – we’ll show you how that works shortoy.) • You’ve also got an atlas that tells you about the relevant regions and which small monsters are present in them. • Each trainer tells you which regions they’re visiting, and how many monsters they intend to capture per region. • To estimate the number of a given monster M a trainer will capture in a region R: o Divide the relative population of M in R by R’s total relative population. o Multiply the result by the total number of captures the trainer intends per region. o Round this result to the nearest integer. .5 rounds up, so you can use round() and its friends. Note that this can result in a total slightly different than the trainer intended!
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