Minor Prophets

Assessment 1 – Reflective Journal

Weighting : 20%

Word Limit : 1 x 250 words



Write a journal entry reflecting on the lessons learnt on Joel and insights gained on that minor prophet Joel. How did this book of Joel speak to you? (250 words)



1. Minor prophets (Joel).

2. Write a forum-style reflection, identifying lessons learnt, application and insights gained from that minor prophet Joel.

3. Include the reflections in one document as a PDF and a word document.



Assignments should:

? Demonstrate regular and consistent interaction with the relevant biblical material from class.

? Highlights insights and lessons learned from the text from class.



Each journal entry should include at least one academic source from the recommended readings below in addition to frequent interaction with the biblical text itself from class.



Your assignment should include a reflection post, at 250 words.



Written content maintains quality expression throughout and is free from spelling,

grammatical, and syntax errors.



Essay is within 10% of the total word count and is formatted according to current

Chicago/Turabian style.


Recommended Readings



Boda, Mark J., and Gordon J. McConville (eds) Dictionary of the Old Testament

Prophets. Downers Grove, IL, Intervarsity, 2012


Daniel Berrigan, Minor Prophets, Major Themes. Wipf and Stock, 2009.


Fuhr Jr., Richard Alan, and Yates, Gary E. The Message of the Twelve: Hearing the

Voice of the Minor Prophets. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2016.

Goldingay, John and Pamela J. Scalise, Minor Prophets II, New International

Biblical Commentary, Peabody Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 2009.


Goswell, G. ‘The Order of the Books in the Hebrew Bible’, Journal of the

Evangelical Theological Society 51 2008, 673-88 (681-683).


Gruber, Mayer I. Hosea: A Textual Commentary, New York, T&T Clark, 2017.

Hagedorn, Anselm C. and Mein, Andrew (eds.), Aspects of Amos: Exegesis and

Interpretation, New York, T&T Clark, 2011.


Hays, J. D., The Message of the Prophets: A Survey of the Prophetic and

Apocalyptic Books of the Old Testament, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010.

House, P.R. The Unity of the Twelve. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 2009.


McComiskey, T.E. (ed), The Minor Prophets: An Exegetical and Expository

Commentary (3 volumes). Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2009.


Nogalski, James D., Hosea-Jonah. Macon, GA.: Smyth & Helwys Publishing, 2011.

(Micah-Malachi, 2011).


Petterson, Anthony R., Haggai, Zechariah & Malachi, Apollos OT Commentary,

Nottingham, Apollos, 2015


Shepherd, Michael B., A Commentary on the Book of the Twelve: The Minor

Prophets, Grand Rapids, MI, Kregel Publications, 2018.


Seminal Works


Achtemeier, Elizabeth, Minor Prophets I, New International Biblical

Commentary, Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson, 1996.


Allen, Leslie C., The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah, NICOT, Grand

Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans, 1994


Ben Zvi, E. Hosea, FOTL, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005.

Chisholm, R.B. Handbook on the Prophets. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic,



Fishbane, Michael, Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel, Oxford: Clarendon,



Hasel, G. F. Understanding the Book of Amos: Basic Issues in Current

Interpretations, Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1991.

————————- “Reading the Book of the Twelve Theologically: The Twelve

as Corpus: Interpreting Unity and Discord.” Interpretation 61, no. 2 (April 2007):



Premnath, D.N. Eighth Century Prophets: A Social Analysis. St Louis: Chalice

Press, 2003.



Currents in Biblical Research


Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

Journal for the Study of Old Testament

Journal of Biblical Literature

Vetus Testamentum

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