1. With regards to event – the ICC World Cricket tournament identify and elaborate: (out of 8 marks) a. The processes from PMBOK or PRINCE 2 that you would use to assist with stakeholder expectation management b. The key stakeholders for this event by conducting a stakeholder analysis using the power/interest grid. 2. Elaborate the following terms in the context of the event (the ICC World Cricket tournament): (out of 7.5 marks) a. Voice of the Customer (VOC) b. Critical to Customer Requirements (CCR) c. Critical to Quality (CTQ) 3. Identify and elaborate processes from Organisational Project Management (OPM), Agile Practices, Lean Practices and Lean Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology (from all practices) that could be used to implement lean project management for this event. (out of 14.5 marks) 4. Describe the Critical Success Factors (CSF) needed to be in place within the implementing organisation to achieve successful implementation of LPM (out of 6 marks) 5 Clarity of expression, grammar, spelling, final summary and correct APA style referencing (out of 4 marks)

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