Why do line managers often fail to realize the value of human assets vis-à-vis other assets? Why and how might a line or an operating manager value specific metrics related to the unit’s employees? What can HR do to make senior and line managers take more of an investment approach to human assets? Why is a competitive advantage based on a heavy investment in human assets more sustainable than investments in other types of assets? Why can some organizations that fail to invest heavily in human assets still be financially successful? Why can some organizations that do invest heavily in human assets still be financially unsuccessful? What challenges exist relative to the valuation of human assets and measuring human capital? Reading 1.1 8. Upon what cultural factors does the ‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍ “Indian Way” depend upon for its success? To what extent can organizations from your country and culture adopt successful Indian practices, what obstacles exist to full implementation, which of these obstacles can be overcome, and specifically how can they be overcome? Reading 1.2 9. Explain the ethical steward and transformative leader role as applied to HR professionals. Specifically how does each contribute to the practice of strategic HR management? Please use a Title Page (APA Format). This Assignment may be submitted in an Essay Question or a Question/Answer format, in lieu of an APA format for the body of the paper. Include the Questions in your narrative; otherwise, the reader will not understand your Response/Narrative. You may number the Questions. References must be properly in-text cited, with a separate Reference Page. APA formatting is required for in-text citations and R ‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍ eferences

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