Read the Queensland Supreme Court decision JV Pub Group Pty Ltd v Red Carpet Real Estate Pty Ltd & Ors [2014] QSC 232 and answer the following questions:

  1. Who were the parties to the dispute and what interests in land did they hold?

(2 marks)

  1. What issue/s was the Court required to resolve?

(2 marks)

  1. What was the applicant’s argument with respect to the issue before the Court?

(3 marks)

  1. What was the respondent’s argument with respect to the issue before the Court?

(3 marks)

  1. What was the finding of the Supreme Court?

(3 marks)

  1. What do you think about the outcome?  Should the requirements to exercise an option to renew a lease be strictly applied?

(2 marks)

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