A Chicago-based manufacturer is looking for someone to handle its shipments to the West Coast. In order to evaluate potential transportation providers, the manufacturer has developed the following criteria. At a minimum, a shipper must be able to:

a. Pick up shipments in less than eight hours from the time it is notified (the manufacturer doesn’t have enough space for shipments to sit around at the dock).

b. Deliver shipments in 72 hours or less. Beyond this, shippers will be evaluated according to cost and the percentage of shipments that arrive undamaged. Three shippers—McAdoo, Klooless, and Big Al—have put in bids for the business. The relevant performance information for the shippers is shown in the following chart:

Pickup time 6 hours 8 hours 9 hours
Shipping time 48 hours 72 hours 36 hours
Cost per 100 lbs. shipped $20 $30 $15
% of shipments that arrive 98% 95% 99%

a. (**) Using Figure 2.3 as a guide, graph how well each of the shippers performs with regard to the order winners

and qualifiers.

b. (**) Who is most likely to win the business? Why?

c. (**) What’s going on with Big Al? What does Big Al need to do in order to compete successfully for the business?

d. (**) Comment on Klooless’s competitive position. Does it meet the minimum requirements? Is the company very competitive? Why or why not?


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First read the reports of the three other teams that participated in PharmaSim (in Doc Sharing area). Then write a quick summary of each team’s strategy (INCLUDING your own). Finally, compare and contrast your team’s strategy with the other three groups’ and identify improvements for each (yours and theirs). I have attached the two douments needed TeamB is my team and the other document has all teams in succession Note: Again, you must read the reports carefully here is example: The strategy for Group B was to advance Allround’s brand by adding a line extension. Based on Allround’s great brand awareness and the belief that there was a market for a children’s cough liquid, Group B introduced Allround +. Group A had a similar thought process but arrived at a different conclusion. Although there is a market for medicine specifically targeted towards children, we could not ignore the cough and allergy market. Our long term strategy was to introduce the unique non-drowsy allergy capsule while our short term strategy was to capture some of the cough market. Group B marketed their line extension to compare to Coughcure. Group A chose not to go this route because we would not have any competitors when we introduced our unique allergy product, Allright. I do think it was it was a good idea for Group B to add a line extension and looking back on the simulation, Group A wishes they would have added one. However, I think it would have been more effective to introduce the 4-hour cough liquid instead of the children’s cough medicine. Group A and B also had different advertising strategies. When Group B introduced their new line extension, the advertising budget was $6 million while Group A budgeted $15 million for the introduction of our new product. Since Group B was introducing a line extension and not a whole new product, it makes sense that the advertising budget was lower, however, I think Group B would have benefited from an increase in their advertising budget for at least the first period. Group B also put a lot of emphasis on advertising the benefits of their product messaging. Since their product did not have a unique benefit, I think it would have been more valuable to place more emphasis on comparison. Similar to Group A, Group B struggled with sales force in the beginning of the simulation and greatly benefited from purchasing the sales force report to compare their sales force numbers to the competition.

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