1.Which one of the following commands decomposes seasonal time series data?


(a) seas() (b) ts()

(c) decompose() (d) SMA()

2. Which one of the following commands is used for seasonally adjusting time series?

(a) seas() (b) stl()

(c) decompose() (d) SMA()

3. Which one of the following components are used by non-seasonal time series data?

(a) Trend and seasonal (b) Irregular and trend

(c) Seasonal and Irregular (d) Cyclical and trend

4. Which one of the following components are used by seasonal time series data?

(a) Trend, irregular and seasonal (b) Irregular, cyclical and trend

(c) Seasonal, cyclical and irregular (d) Cyclical, trend, and seasonal

5. Which one of the following packages contains the SMA() function?

(a) Forecast (b) Seasonal

(c) TTR (d) Graphics

6. Which one of the following packages contains the seas() function?

(a) Forecast (b) Seasonal

(c) TTR (d) Graphics

7. Which one of the following packages contains the forecast() function?

(a) Forecast (b) Seasonal

(c) TTR (d) Graphics

8. Which one of the following functions implements regression analysis?

(a) ts() (b) lm()

(c) seas() (d) decompose()

9. Which one of the following functions implements exponential smoothing?

(a) HoltWinters() (b) seas()

(c) arima() (d) plot()

10. Which one of the following functions is used for differencing a time series object?

(a) HoltWinters() (b) acf()

(c) diff() (d) pacf()

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