1.From the given options, which of the following functions is used for calculating



(a) interestMeasure() (b) random.transactions()

(c) dissimilarity() (d) sample()

2. From the given options, which of the following functions is used for measuring features of

a set of items and rules?

(a) interestMeasure() (b) random.transactions()

(c) dissimilarity() (d) sample()

3. From the given options, which of the following functions is used for generating samples?

(a) interestMeasure() (b) random.transactions()

(c) dissimilarity() (d) sample()

4. From the given options, which of the following functions is used for creating random


(a) interestMeasure() (b) random.transactions()

(c) dissimilarity() (d) sample()

5. From the given options, which of the following is different from others?

(a) support (b) matching

(c) confidence (d) improvement

6. From the given options, which of the following is different from others?

(a) affinity (b) Pearson

(c) lift (d) dice1. Briefly discuss the following with examples:

(i) Association rule mining with its applications (ii) Frequent itemsets (iii) Association rules

(iv) support (v) Confidence (vi) Brute-force approach (vii) Two-step approach (viii) Arules


7. Write pseudocode of the Apriori algorithm.


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