1.From the given options, which of the following is an example of semi-structured document?
(a) E-mail (b) Research paper
(c) Press-release (d) Report
2. From the given options, which of the following is not a feature of a document?
(a) Document collection (b) Term
(c) Concept (d) Word
3. From the given options, which of the following represents a collection of text documents in
(a) Document collection (b) Corpus
(c) File (d) Document features
4. From the given options, which of the following functions returns the number of documents
of the corpus?
(a) Docs() (b) nTerms()
(c) Terms() (d) DocumentTermMatrix
5. From the given options, which of the following functions returns the number of terms of
the corpus?
(a) Docs() (b) nTerms()
(c) Terms() (d) DocumentTermMatrix
6. From the given options, which of the following functions returns the terms of the corpus?
(a) Docs() (b) nTerms()
(c) Terms() (d) DocumentTermMatrix
7. From the given options, which of the following functions creates the document term matrix
of the corpus?
(a) Docs() (b) nTerms()
(c) Terms() (d) DocumentTermMatrix
8. From the given options, which of the following functions finds the frequent terms of corpus
in R?
(a) nTerms() (b) tm_map()
(c) findFreqTerms() (d) findAssocs()