1.Create a histogram by filling the bar with ‘blue’ colour. 2. What is a bar chart? Describe the types of bar charts. 3. Create a horizontal bar chart. 4. Differentiate between a group and stacked bar chart. 5. Create and place a legend in bar chart. 6. What will be the response variable in the given equation?


y = ax + b

(a) a (b) b

(c) x (d) y

7. Which function will compute the correlation of x and y, considering x and y are vectors?

(a) cor() (b) var()

(c) cov() (d) dvar()

8. Which function will be used to create a model as per linear regression in R?

(a) lm() (b) pp()

(c) biglm() (d) glm()

9. Which function will be used for making predictions from the results of various model

fitting functions?

(a) compare() (b) contrasts()

(c) predict() (d) resid()

10. Residual is calculated as:

(a) Residual = y – y^ (b) Residual = y^ – y

(c) Residual = y ~ x (d) Residual = x ~ y

11. The ratio of normal residual to its standard deviation of residual is:

(a) Standardised residual (b) Studentised residual

(c) Residual (d) R-squared1. What is model fitting?

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