Meals on Wheels Association of America (now Meals on Wheels America) is a not-for-profit organization that delivers approximately one million meals to homes of older people in need across the United States. Metro Meals on Wheels Treasure Valley is a local branch of Meals on Wheels America operating in Idaho. This branch has a team of volunteer drivers that drive their personal vehicles each day to deliver meals to 800 clients along 21 routes and cover an area of 2,745 square kilometers. The Meals on Wheels Treasure Valley organization was facing many issues. First, they were looking to minimize the delivery time as the cooked food was temperature sensitive and could perish easily. They wanted to deliver the cooked food within 90 minutes after a driver left for the delivery. Second, the scheduling process was very time consuming. Two employees spent much of their time developing scheduled routes for delivery. A route coordinator determined the stops according to the number of meal recipients for a given day. After determining the stops, the coordinator made a sequence of stops that minimized the travel time of volunteers. This routing schedule was then entered into an online tool to determine turn-by-turn driving instructions for drivers. The whole process of manually deciding routes was taking a lot of extra time. Metro Meals on Wheels wanted a routing tool that could improve their delivery system and generate routing solutions for both one-way and round-trip directions for delivering meals. Those who drive regularly could deliver the warmers or coolers the next day. Others who drive only occasionally would need to come back to the kitchen to drop off the warmers/coolers. Methodology/Solution To solve the routing problem, a spreadsheet-based tool was developed. This tool had an interface to easily input information about the recipient such as his/her name, meal requirements, and delivery address. This information needed to be filled in the spreadsheet for each stop in the route. Next, Excel’s Visual Basic for Applications functionality was used to access a developer’s networking map application programming interface (API) called MapQuest. This API was used to create a travel matrix that calculated time and distance needed for delivery of the meal. This tool gave time and distance information for 5,000 location pairs a day without any cost. When the program starts, the MapQuest API first validates the entered addresses of meal recipients. Then the program uses the API to retrieve driving distance, estimated driving time, and turnby-turn instructions for driving between all stops in the route. The tool can then find the optimal route for up to 30 stops within a feasible time limit. Results/Benefits As a result of using this tool, the total annual driving distance decreased by 10,000 miles, while travel time was reduced by 530 hours. Metro Meals on Wheels Treasure Valley saved $5,800 in 2015, based on an estimated savings rate of $0.58 per mile (for a midsize sedan). This tool also reduced the time spent on route planning for meal deliveries. Other benefits included increased volunteer satisfaction and more retention of volunteers.

Questions for Discussion

1. What were the challenges faced by Metro Meals on Wheels Treasure Valley related to meal delivery before adoption of the spreadsheet-based tool?

2. Explain the design of the spreadsheet-based model.

3. What are the intangible benefits of using the Excel-based model to Metro Meals on Wheels?

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