What were some of the questions the study was designed to research? 2. Who was the main psychologists who led the experiment? What other participants were instrumental in the study? 3. How were people gathered to participate in the study? 4. How did the researchers create the prison? How was it designed to provide the same effect as a real prison? 5. How were prisoners treated upon arrival at the prison and why? 6. What was the “uniform” for a prisoner? Why? 7. Why were the prisoners given ID numbers? 8. Explain the role of the correctional officer. What training did they receive and why? 9. What was the “uniform” for a correctional officer? 10. How did the prison correctional officers assert their authority? What punishments did they use? 11. How did the prisoners assert their independence? 12. How did correctional officers use “special privileges” to retaliate against the prisoners? 13. Why was Prisoner #8162 released? 14. What was the reaction of family members who came to visit the “prison”? 15. What did Gordon Bower ask Zimbardo which angers him, and what does Zimbardo then realize? 16. What were the three types of correctional officers that emerged during the experiment? Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach CCJ 1191 17. Why did the experimenters hold an encounter session after the experiment was over? 18. Answer the following: • Do you think this experiment was ethical? • How did “good” correctional officers respond to the bad behavior of their collegues? • What was learned from the experiment, and was it worth the negative effects it had on participants? • What would make the experiment more ethical? • At what point in the experiment would you have ended the experiment? • Why do you think the writers in the film used “correctional officer” instead of “guards,” which is actually what they were referred to in the actual experiment? • During the experiment, how did the prisoners and correctional officers conform to their roles? • What movie influenced the behavior of some of the correctional officers? • How did Dr. Zimbardo conform to his role as a prison superintendent? Did his role have a positive or negative impact on the study? Explain in detail. • What are Zimbardo’s conclusions about human behavior, based on this experiment?

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