Students will write the Discussion Board 4 to demonstrate what they have learned about Islamic philosophy and literatures. The discussion must answer the following questions:

1) What observations and remarks can you make about Islamic literatures and philosophy?

2) Explain the philosophy of any one Islamic thinker/philosopher.

3) Analyze a poem of your choice from the assigned poems.

4) List and explain one quote from the Quran.

5) What lessons can we learn from the stories of the Arabian Nights?

6) Research, compare, and write about the Rihla (travel writings) of Ibn Jubayr to the Rihla of Ibn Battuta, Marco Polo or Zheng He (compare Ibn Jubayr’s travel writings to ANY ONE of the other three listed travelers). You may also compare Ibn Jubayr to another explorer (Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, etc.), if you wish.

Some links to help with your research.

Marco Polo and His Travels

Marco Polo: Italian Explorer Biography

Marco Polo in China (1271-1295)

Ibn Battuta History

Zheng He History

Amerigo Vespucci History

Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) History

Christopher Columbus History

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