Q.No.1. (3 Marks)How one company developed training programs for the implementation of an e-commerce Web site and intranet access for its employees? Answer:A companyQ.No.2. (5Marks)Hardware and software diagnostic key factors that you use to diagnose a computer system or a peripheral Devices
Q.No.3. (3 Marks)What are your major concerns about computer crime and privacy on the Internet? What can you do about it? Explain.
Q.No.4. (3 Marks)How are Internet technologies affecting the structure and work roles of modern organizations? For example, will middle management wither away? Will companies consist primarily of self-directed project teams of knowledge workers? Explain your answers.
Q.No.5. (4 Marks)Has the growth of self-directed teams to manage work in organizations changed the need for strategic, tactical, and operational decision making in business?
Q.No.6. (3 Marks)Many companies plan really well, yet few translate strategy into action. Do you think this statement is true? Why or why not?
Q.No.7. (4 Marks)What major business changes beyond e-business and e-commerce do you think most companies should be planning for in the next 10 years? Explain your choices.

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