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Ellie is a 41-year-old female who has become progressively ill in the last few years. More specifically, her movements have become increasingly erratic with chorea, her speech slurred, and she has developed severe depression. Ellie has fallen several times and her husband is thinking of putting into a longterm care facility because it is becoming more and more difficult to care for his wife. Ellie’s brother Doug (age 45) is developing symptoms similar to Ellie.

1. Which of the following conditions do you think Ellie and Doug have?

a. Parkinson disease

b. Thalamic pain syndrome

c. Huntington disease

d. Myasthenia gravis

2. Why did you pick the answer you did?

3. What brain structure is most likely involved in this condition?

4. What is the long-term outlook for Ellie and Doug?

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