city point has been a popular family restaurant in nagpur since 1985.opened in may 85 by two young and dynamic hotel management graduates the restaurant soon gained the image of a decorated dinning place for families.It offers a wide Verity of menu and it’s preparation were widely admired . although in the beginning there was a general impression that their prices were slightly higher compered to the going prices at that time, people still patronized the restaurant admiring the quality and service it provided. Sales increase rapidly and the restaurant seemed to be buzzing with activity till late every night . encourage by their success the promoters decided to add a bar in the restaurant with an eye on the every increasing habit of taking alcoholic drinks in the society.
Soon the bar got underway and the response form male business and officer class increased . To cater to the requirements of the bar users the restaurant went in for new décor with dim lights, a live Band and also hired the service of miss percy, a dancer of repute
Taking a cloud from the success of city point a couple of more restaurant came up in the city during 1989-91. As a result competition of city point increased. Moreover it’s early image of a family eating place soon changed as families no longer liked the changed ambience at the restaurant resulting in drop in popularity and sales . The clientele of the restaurant now consisted mostly of people wishing to use the bar . Moreover the management soon realised to its dismay that such visitors showed hardly any patronizing for any single restaurant . This attitude made the sales erratic and fluctuating


Q1. What is the issue faced by city light
Q2. Describe the consumer profile of previous consumer and now the evolved consumer profile?
Q3. What type of cultural values are impacted


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