Charlotte Huck’s Children’s Literature 2nd edition Barbara Kiefer; Cynthia Tyson, 


 Ch. 3

  1. What is the difference between an easy reader and a picture book?


An “Easy Reader” is just as it sounds.  They are the books children start with to learn to read them themselves.  A book like Hop on Pop by Dr Seuss is considered an easy reader.


A picture book is different.  It is generally NOT intended for the children to read to themselves.  A book like Stellaluna (1993) by Jennell Cannon, is intended to be a shared experience where the book is read to the child and they follow along and look at the pictures as it is read to them.  A picture book will have much more complicated language than an easy reader.


2Pick your favorite picture book…

Do you love it as an adult or just when you were young?

Would your feelings about this book be different if there were no pictures? Why or why not?


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