Tip for the assignment
Identify a practice issue
Formulate an answerable question
•Search for best evidence
•\r\nCritically evaluate the evidence and clinical relevance\r\n
•\r\nMake recommendations
•\r\nApply to clinical practice
•\r\nEvaluate impact/effectiveness/ outcomes Suggested Format
•\r\nTitle: An Answerable research Question that focuses on the Assignment.
•\r\nImportance of Research/Evidence Based Practice in Nursing
•\r\nLink to NMC Code
•\r\nIdentify ‘Topic’
•\r\nDefine any concept mentioned
•\r\nDeclaration of intentTopic and Search strategy
•\r\nIntroduce topic clearly
•\r\nJustify choice in context
•\r\nExplain search strategy used
•\r\nWhat was found
•\r\nInclude Hierarchy of evidence Critical Appraisal of Articles
•\r\nUse a framework/critical tool for appraisal
•Justify use of the chosen framework/tool
•nDemonstrate research knowledge and application
•Critically appraise/analyse chosen studies
•\r\nDiscuss studies and findings in some depth
•\r\nCross reference studies
•\r\nSummarise findings of appraised studies
•\r\nRecommendation of the studies Application to Clinical Practice
•Apply to clinical practice
•Discuss impact in practice
•Barriers to implementation
•How to overcome barriers
•Summarise your key discussion/points
•Return to focus of Evidence Based Practive in Nursing