Welcome back. We are dealing with great complexity, so this week, let’s learn something straightforward and practical. We know how important ethics and integrity is to individuals, groups, organizations, and systems. But how to we get others to see it, too? How might they be inspired to become better employees – better people?

Please watch this ten minute video, or cut and past the link into your browser. www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXWO5H331gg

You may need to watch the video more than once, and I may turn to it again and ask additional follow up questions in the weeks ahead, so please give it some attention. Then, answer the questions in the assignment column and send to me. Thank you!

1. What is meant by the term, “shadow side”? If the video explanation seems unclear, google the term, as it is quite well known in the realm of human nature studies. This question can be answered in a couple of sentences, but please use your own words.

2. If your “shadow side” is responding to an ethical dilemma, as opposed to your more reflective side, what could well be the result?

3. The presenter illustrates the value of a reflective evaluation of bad employee behavior by applying a “counseling rubric” that contains 4 lenses. One of the lenses is “Rights/Responsibilities.” What are the three others?

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