Discussion questions:
The unit plan is related to history of education, for the preparatory year of college.
1- What is Since Time Immemorial (STI) Curriculum in Washington? How do diverse Indigenous knowledges and frameworks for education contribute to Education for Sustainability?
Check out the link to the OSPI resource for https://www.k12.wa.us/student-success/resources-subject-area/time-immemorial-tribal-sovereignty-washington-state Explore this curriculum and then reflecting on your unit plan designs share a post that describes briefly what Since Time Immemorial (STI) Curriculum offers teachers at all levels in Washington. How do diverse Indigenous knowledges and frameworks for education contribute to Education for Sustainability and your Unit Plans? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffV9dVw95uw
2- What is EfS? How does your unit address the demands of the Emerging Future?
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What is Education for Sustainability (EfS)? After reading Chapter 10 in Hayes Jacobs written by Jamie Cloud and viewing the 2 video clips shared in what ways does your curriculum planning consider sustainability?
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