Review your research question and then draft four focused questions that will help you find the information you need to answer it. Include one focused question for each of your four sources.

Your research question:

What lessons from women’s struggles for equality in the past can help inform current and future women’s rights issues.


1. What is one specific question that secondary source 1 can help you answer?


2. What is one specific question that secondary source 2 can help you answer?


3. What is one specific question that primary source 1 can help you answer?



4. What is one specific question that primary source 2 can help you answer?



1. Constitutional Rights Foundation. 2004. How Women Won the Right to Vote. (1 secondary source)

2. Linda Simon. 2017. The Flappers Took the Country by Storm, but Did They Ever Truly Go Away. (2nd secondary source)

3. Susan B. Anthony. 1873. Women’s Right to Vote. (1 primary source)

4. Shirley Chisholm. May 21, 1969. Equal Rights for Women. ( 2nd primary source)


Once the Above questions are answered. Please answer the below for the primary sources and the secondary sources.


1. What have you learned from your PRIMARY sources about the historical challenges or social changes that relate to your research question?


2. What have you learned from your PRIMARY sources about how these challenges were addressed by society or how these changes affected society?



3. How does the information you learned from your PRIMARY sources connect to the current issues mentioned in your research question?

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