Individual Analysis Report:(Due: Week # 9, 1,500 words limit)

The case material for the assignment is on the Moodle. Read it carefully, and answer the question.

Case: Global Diversity and Inclusion at Royal Dutch Shell (A) Assignment Question:

What goals, if any, should they set for the effect of the restructuring on the composition of Shell’s managerial workforce? Justify your views.


  • Due: Week # 9, Friday, by 23:59 hours.
  • Submission should be made online, on Turnitin, through course web site.
  • 1,500 word limits (excluding reference list at the end/including in-text


  • Proper citations/references needed. Plagiarism should be actively avoided.

    Assignment Marking Rubric

    Excellence in ‘Idea‘ (12points)
    The paper delivers interesting ideas, demonstrating sophistication of thought. It covers perspectives of international business as well as perspectives of HRM. The paper recognizes some complexity of its thesis, acknowledging relevant contradictions, qualifications, or limits and follow out its logical implications. It uses relevant theories covered in lectures and/or in the textbook.

    Excellence in ‘Support‘ (8points)
    The paper uses evidence and/or illustrative examples appropriately and thereby makes its arguments convincing. It signals that the author properly understood the referenced materials and critically evaluated them.

    Excellence in ‘Organisation & Coherence‘ (6points)
    The paper uses a logical structure that is appropriate to paper’s subject, purpose, audience and disciplinary field. It uses sophisticated transitional sentences /expressions. It guides the reader through the chain of author’s reasoning andprogression of his/her ideas.

    Excellence in ‘Style & Mechanics’ (4points)
    The paper uses words for their precise meaning. It maintains an appropriate level of specificity. Sentence style fits paper’s audience and purpose. Sentences are varied, yet clearly structured and carefully focused. The paper is almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

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