esearch paper
Adorno / Horkheimer: Adorno’s Philosophy
Theodor Adorno (1903—1969)
- Full name
- Birth and death dates
- Education, formal or informal
- Significant Relationships?
- What events, incidents or challenges had a positive or negative effect upon this individual?
The contextual study emphasizes the individual’s social context; the time and place of the person. It is an approach that examines how the person’s life and work reflects feminist issues regarding culture, ethnicity, religion and society.
- What prevailing ideas and beliefs were either rejected and/or embodied in the individual’s body of work?
- What kind of gender, religious, socioeconomic, political, and nationalistic and forces shaped this individual’s character?
- What significant historical events, if any, had an effect upon her work?
- If her work was challenged or opposed: By whom? Why and when?
The quadrant explores philosophy as a tool of inquiry that involves analysis, interpretation, synthesis and narrative. Research is a thinking, reflective, stylistic, and textual process.
- What did you find represents the individual’s central idea or issue?
- Are such views liberal, moderate, or radical? Did the individual speak to a particular era, society, socio-economic group etc?
- Was it difficult for the individual’s social circles or society to accept? Why or why not?
- What meaning does the individual’s ideas/work have for you?
- Does this particular thinker connect to your life?
- Does it make you more aware of yourself and your world?
- Do you believe that your individual deserves to be better known?