The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate yourunderstanding of the fundamental concepts of conflict management and interpersonalcommunication as we have discussed in the unit to date.1. Task: Read the following scenario and create a ‘conversation’ that you believe could be held andwould solve the dilemma experienced by the subject of the case study.You will need to considerthe issues identified, the values each party holds, and how you might reason with the key players.Place yourself in the position of the person in the scenario what should you say, to whom, whenand how?In order to answer these questions, consider the following:? What is the dilemma you are facing? i.e. What are your legal and moral responsibilities?? What are the main arguments you are trying to counter? i.e. The reasons andrationalisations you need to address.? What is at stake for the key parties (including those who disagree with you)?? What arguments could you use to influence those with whom you disagree?? What is your most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalisations theyoffer and you need to address?

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