You will read and watch all of the lessons[1 Families: An Introduction  2 Promoting Family Engagement  3 Promoting Family Engagement: Communicating With Families  4 Working With Families of Children With Special Needs  5 Strengthening and Supporting Military Families and Families Facing Challenges]

After you have complete all of the lessons, you will answer the reflective assessment questions.

1) Imagine a new infant or toddler will join your classroom in the coming weeks.

What would you like to know about an infant or toddler so that I can understand his or her needs and provide the most responsive care?

2)Think about a healthy relationship you have with someone in your life. Think about this person and the qualities he/she brings to the relationship.

What are the qualities and characteristics that help make this relationship successful?

Which of these characteristics would be important in family-professional partnerships?

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A holiday house. The house was purchased on 1 March 2005 for $200,000 and was sold for $610,000. At the time of acquisition Shane spent $2,000 on surveyor’s cost and $10,000 on stamp duty. On 1 February 2006, Shane spent $100,000 adding a second floor to the house. On 15 June 2008 he spent $20,000 in a successful court action to establish that his neighbour’s new fence had encroached on Shane’s property by 15 centimetres. In the previous income year he had rented the property out to tenants for a total of six months during school holiday periods. At all other times he used the holiday house personally. During the period that he owned the holiday house he had paid a total of $80,000 in interest, rates and insurance. He had claimed $10,000 of the $80,000 in respect of interest, rates and insurance as a tax deduction in his personal tax return in respect of the six months that he had rented the holiday house. When Shane sold the holiday house, he incurred $8,000 on advertising expenses and legal expenses.

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