Students are required to write an individual report, analysing the information and proposing solutions to the questions set regarding the case study. To satisfy the assessment criteria, students are expected to demonstrate depth of analysis, breadth of reading and critical discussion. The questions that you need to answer are: 1. What are the main problems and issues in the Woolworths’ supply chain? Categorise the problems into strategic and operational. 2. What steps should be taken to bring the international supply chain under control? If you were the logistics manager how would you ‘sell’ your proposed solutions within the company. 3. To what extent do the company’s purchasing policies influence a) the international supply chain operations and b) the supply chain operations in the UK? How could purchasing policies be changed to achieve better corporate performance? 4. Improved information systems are key to controlling the international supply chain. Specify the requirements for an information system to control the company’s Far East supply pipeline When undertaking an assignment which specifies a ‘critical discussion, analysis or critical evaluation’, you are expected to collect (and use) different sources of information from both text books and journal papers, to complete the assignment. It is important that you do not take all your information from one source as it is likely to be biased. Students are expected to demonstrate up-to-date research on the subject matter

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