Question 2 (10 marks) (a) What are the four critical management skills? (2 marks) How do Candace Stathis and Sue Ryan apply the four critical management skills in their roles at the company? (3 marks – 300 words) (b) Which of these skills do you think is most important skill for a manager at Camp Bow Wow and why? (5 marks – 300 words) 2. From week 3 Pre Recorded Case Study Question 3 (10 marks) (a) How would you describe Black Diamond’s ethics in terms of how it treats its employees at the company’s factory partners in Vietnam, China, and Bangladesh? (5 marks – 300 words) (b) Do you think that it is appropriate for firms like Black Diamond to scrutinize its partner factories like this? Why or why not? (5 marks – 300 words) 3. From Week 4 Pre Recorded Case Study Question 3 (10 marks) (a) Besides the “Shop,” how else does Barcelona try to maximize employee fit? (5 marks – 300 words) (b) What other suggestions do you have for the company to improve new hires’ fit with the job and organization? (5 marks – 300 words) 4. From Week 5 Pre Recorded Case Study Question 1 (10 marks) (a) Explain goal setting theory of motivation. (5 marks – 300 words) Page 3 of 3 (b) Describe Brad’s motivation in terms of the goal setting motivation theory? (5 marks – 300 words) 5. From Week 6 Pre Recorded Case Study Question 2 (10 marks) (a) Describe the “norming” stage. (5 marks – 300 words) (b) How might Nathan Decker lead effectively as the team starts “norming”? (5 marks- 300 words)

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