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This is Computer Course. Course was about the tools we used in Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and PowerPoint and Webpage-drawing Tools Please your responses should be related to this the skills and tools i used in this course. Due in 8 hour. 300 words response

At this point, you should have completed the course. Now it is time for you to analyze the information you have gained. Please give this some serious thought before posting. Everyone knows what was presented in the course, now you should add how you have used and will use the information. The idea is to contribute to the discussion, just as you would if you were in a traditional class. Be brief, but do not skip this requirement. You will be amazed at how much information you can gather from others in the class.

In simple terms for each of the six items you must address in your post, you will:

  1. Analyze the information you have gained.
  2. Explain how you have used this information.
  3. Describe how you will use this information in the future.
  4. Include an outside reference with a URL that assisted you through this course and will continue to be of value in the future.

Submit your response addressing the following six items.

  1. What are the electronic/computer needs that drive our economy today?
  2. How does understanding various Microsoft Office applications enhance productivity in education, the workplace, and at home?
  3. How can Word Processing software give you the ability to better position for yourself or a business, in today‘s society? Why?
  4. How does having an understanding of spreadsheet software help you succeed in your personal or professional life?
  5. What did you learn that will give you the ability to create an eye-catching, thought-provoking presentation?
  6. How can you use a database in your daily lives?

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