Q1: Monthly Comparison
What are the differences and similarities between the month of March 2020 and the month of February
2020? What possible reasons could there be for the difference in results? Point out the single most
meaningful difference OR similarity. You do not need to evaluate every difference. Evaluate:
• Ecommerce data
• Acquisition and behavioral data
• Channel performance data. Refer to specific channel, mediums, or sources when needed.
• Product sales data
Q2: Monthly Comparison of Social
Which social network had the highest % increase in referral to the Merchandise Store? Which one had the
biggest % decrease? Would you rely on these numbers and why or why not?
Q3: No monthly comparison
Describe the characteristics of all visitors to the Google Merchandise Store rom March 1st 2020-March 31st
2020 (demographics, geographics etc). Suggest how you would use this information for digital advertising
Q4: Gender – no monthly comparison
You should have seen in Q3 that there are more males vising the GMS than females. Based on the data in
Google Analytics for March 2020, what would you recommend to attract more females? Include in your
answer a more specific description of the female target audience, what type of products could work best for
females (use the Acquisition Campaign Paid Keywords report), and which channel(s) you’d use for the
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