Annotated Bibliography
1500 words
Assessment instructions:Develop a research questionrelated to a recent or current global issue or trend facing managers across the globe, and;
Here are some examples of legitimate research questions:
- Considering the challenges countries are facing with the spread of COVID-19, how might Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions impact the way business managers of different countries respond to the constraints put on them by their governments?
- What are the common challenges that MNEs face in forming and managing Joint Ventures with State Owned Enterprises in China?
- How to create an effective cross-cultural training program for Australian expatriates working in your country?
- How to become an effective business leader in a High Power-distance culture?
What is the writing style?
4Formal academic writing
4Only write in the THIRD person
4Use full sentences
4Write concisely; mention only relevant details.
Your sources should be in alphabetical order
A reference of your source, in the APA style, as you would complete one for a References List
2) Search academic books and journals andselect five (5) articles or chaptersrelevant to the topic of your interest and chosen research question.
Write five (5) short review summaries[200-300 words for each of them], outlining their relevance to the topic, research method, key findings and possible implications for managers. (Maximum length 1,500words).
*Use bullet points or use various linking words to connect the five paragraphs together in one document.
What is the STRUCTURE of an Annotated Bibliography?
The standard structure of an annotated bibliography consists of TWO parts:
Full bibliographic citation (in alphabetical order)
A reference of your source, in the APA style, as you would complete one for a References List