Content requirement

  • For the purposes of this essay, cover the period from 1770 to approximately 1970.
  • Explain the following eras and discuss Indigenous Australian resistance in each era:

o the colonial frontier
o Protection
o Segregation
o Stolen Generations

  • Each era must include an example from an identified language group or person.
  • The essay should be your own original work. This assessment task will be put through Turnitin to identify plagiarism.

Essay requirements

  • This assignment is to be completed in essay format. Include an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion.
  • Develop an overall position and ensure each paragraph contains a specific point that is demonstrated and supported in the paragraph.
  • Write in the third person; avoid the use of “I”.
  • Resources and information relating to writing essays can be found at:

Reference requirements

  • Use at least eight (8) reference sources in total.
  • You must use a minimum of six (6) required or recommended readings from the IKC101 modules.
  • You must cite and reference two (2) additional sources that you have located yourself. These texts must be of academic standard, such as a journal article, text book, text book chapter or conference paper proceeding. Assess the quality of content in web sources very carefully. In general, website references are unlikely to provide reliable, researched information suitable for this task.
  • Do not reference sources such as Creative Spirits, Wikipedia, Skwirk/Red Apple, or Australians Together as these are unreliable sources.
  • Do not cite or reference the module. You may cite and reference the readings linked to in the module. The written information contained in the modules are not academic sources and are not to be used in your essay.
  • Use in-text citations to identify other people’s ideas and words. These in-text citations must follow the APA (6th ed.) referencing style.
  • Quotes must be in quotation marks and the in-text citation must include the page number.

Formal and respectful language requirements

  • This assessment task must be in professional and formal language. This means there should be no abbreviations or slang.
  • Care must be taken to avoid spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.
  • Respectful and appropriate terminology must be used when referring to and writing about Indigenous Australian people and cultures.


This is the major assessment task in this subject and allows students to continue developing their professional writing skills, focusing on writing and supporting arguments. Students can apply feedback from assessment 1 relating to professional and respectful writing to improve their work. This task provides an opportunity for students to evaluate sources of information, synthesise ideas gained from academic texts and incorporate reference material in an appropriate manner. In this task, students will engage with history content; this provides a foundation for understanding contemporary Indigenous circumstances as explored in the next assessment.


The task addresses the following learning outcomes:

Outcome IKC101.1 explain the diversity of Indigenous Australian cultures both past and present
Outcome IKC101.2 describe post-colonisation policies and practices and their impact on Indigenous Australian communities and families
Outcome IKC101.5 demonstrate professional communication skills when working with Indigenous Australian peoples and communities.
Assessable components

  • Describes post-colonisation practices, policies and legislation relating to Indigenous people from 1770 to approximately 1970.
  • Explains impacts of post-colonisation practices, policies and legislation on Indigenous peoples and cultures.
  • Explains Indigenous reactions and resistance to post-colonisation practices, policies and legislation.
  • Explores Indigenous Australian cultural diversity among language groups and over time.
  • Selects and uses appropriate terminology, respectful language and professional writing.



Relates to outcomes:

• be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the diversity of Indigenous Australian cultures both past and present;
• be able to critically analyse post-colonisation policies and practices and their impact on Indigenous communities and families;
• be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of contemporary issues which impact upon Indigenous peoples and communities;
• be able to demonstrate skills in research and effective communication.


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