Based on research regarding the other restaurants and eateries on campus, you need to decide on several aspects of the business before writing a business plan to be submitted to the University Estates management team. In order to start your entrepreneurial venture, and based on theoretical frameworks, you would need to consider and justify the following decision:

1. Recruitment and selection matters (approximately 450 words): a) which recruitment and selection tools you would choose; b) the type and number of employees you want to hire; c) how many people you need to recruit and in which positions;

2. Based on one or more motivation theories studies this year, explain how you would motivate different types of employees to perform to the best of their abilities in this specific business (approximately 450 words).

3. Which forms of business financing you would choose (e.g. business angels, loans, sponsorships etc.) (approximately 450 words) Assignment length: 2000 words Marking criteria: The marking criteria can be found on the Moodle site for IA104. Additional information: Your essay should be well structured, with body paragraphs, a clear introduction and a conclusion. Your argument should be supported by information and evidence gathered through research conducted on academic sources (not just lectures and the textbook). You also need to include in-text referencing of the sources you have used and a reference list at the end of your report (in Harvard Referencing System).


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