1. “ Wir gehen!” (“We’re going!”) – KLM Captain Jacob Veldhuyzen van Zanten

    • Utilizing the resources of the World Wide Web and Regent University Library databases, complete Masters-level research into the antecedent events and final details of the March 27, 1977 crash of KLM 4805 and Pan Am 1736 at Tenerife in the Canary Islands.
    • Consider this horrific crash to be a metaphor for leadership in the turbulent modern economic marketplace. Briefly examine at least eight impediments that hindered the decision-making of those directly involved in the crash.
    • List and prioritize the actions the pilots of both aircraft should have taken to avoid the crash and loss of life. Explain how these proposed actions might be translated into the daily actions of a successful corporate leader.
    • Include appropriate lessons that might be learned relative to the effective management of technology and how those lessons should be applied to modern-day organizations.
    • Format: Your audience for this paper is practicing managers in your industry. The paper should use A.P.A. (American Psychological Association) style and be approximately 2,000 words in length.

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      Submission Criteria: Final versions of your projects should be submitted to the instructor using the Assignment Manager. For instruction on using the Assignment Manager, please refer to tutorials within your Blackboard course. Your work will be processed by SafeAssign to check for its originality.  You may submit your paper once to check for originality, revise anything needed, and then submit again for a grade.  Your instructor will grade the last version submitted.  Drafts should be submitted to the grading professor by email, no later than one week prior to the final submission deadline, with the following designation in the subject line of your email: LMOL 607 project DRAFT

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