Your initial post should be made during Unit 2, january 21st at 4:00 pm. Submissions after this time will not be accepted.

Please respond to the following questions:

Using the “Tools to Analyze Dance on Screen” document (based off of the video about film analysis), find and provide a link to a music video (not yet shown in class or by another student). Analyze how the video is representing the “brand” for the artist, what the video is representing, and how dance is used to accomplish this.  What does this video say about their values and interests and who they are?Analyze by focusing on some of the following: the use of the camera, editing, and art direction, in addition to the dancing/movement and use of the body.  Use specific terminology and concepts discussed in class thus far.  Make sure that you are citing all sources, or being clear that your statement is your idea/belief/observation.

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