1. Distinguish between eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
2. Briefly describe asexual reproduction in protozoa.
3. Outline the differences between protostomes and deutrerostomes.
4. Draw a fully labeled diagram to show the structural features of the genus Paramecium.
5. Using flow diagrams only describe the life cycle of the bilharzias worm Schistosoma mansoni.
6. State six important morphological features of the phylum nematode
7. Describe the structure and importance of the cnidarians nematocyst
8. Draw a labeled diagram of a cyclophyllidean cestode and give an example of a cestode of medical importance
9. List the different appendages of a crayfish and give the main function (s) of each.
10. Describe the process of obtaining and processing food in a primitive herbivorous gastropod like the limpet.


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