Assignment 1: Modeling Requirements

Important note

  1. You are required to read problem statement work on it as per instructions provided below.

Doing the Assignment

This assignment has following steps. They are listed as below:


  • Use requirements elicitation techniques to analyse information and features provided in the selected problem statement. You are also allowed to collect any additional information/additional innovative feature(s) you may need to refine the requirements.
  • Develop models of key aspects of the problem. Your models must include:
    1. The required functionality of the proposed system (using UML Use Case Diagrams AND UML Sequence Diagrams).
    2. The dynamic behaviour of relevant objects in the application domain of the proposed system (using UML Activity Diagrams AND State Diagrams).
  • Drawings must be clear and legible. You can use open source modeling tools of your choice like ArgoUML, Star UML etc to draw your models – Strictly, do not draw models/diagrams by hand.
  • Clearly list any assumptions you might make in completing this assignment at appropriate places.

Written requirements of the assignment:

You must hand in a report (in .WORD format and contain all relevant graphics) that should contain the following:


  • You should hand in a report of your work, not exceeding three (2) pages (not counting references, appendices, figures or tables etc). The report itself is intended just to give an overview of what you did, and the rationale for any choices you made (e.g. about what to model and how to model it; the requirements elicitation techniques used to further refine the requirements, discuss any interesting lessons learned during the elicitation and modeling process etc).
  • An appendix containing all of your analysis models. Make sure you provide enough commentary with the models for the reader to understand what each model is of, and how to understand them.
  • Any further appendices you feel are relevant


Assignments will be judged on the basis of visual appearance, grammatical correctness and quality of writing, as well as their contents. Please make sure that the text of your report is well-structured, using paragraphs, full sentences, and other features of a well-written presentation. The report must not consist of itemized lists of points. Text font size should be either 10 or 12 points.


Lectures notes:


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