According to a paper published by Park-Lee in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality report of Oct 2021, “In 2021, 11.3% of high school students (1.72 million) and 2.8% (320,000) of middle school students reported current e-cigarette use. Among current e-cigarette users, 43.6% of high school students and 17.2% of middle school students reported using e-cigarettes on =20 of the past 30 days; daily use was 27.6% among current high school e-cigarette users and 8.3% among current middle school e-cigarette user”. Further, the paper noted that, “Among current youth e-cigarette users overall, 84.7% used flavored e-cigarettes, including 85.8% of high school users and 79.2% of middle school users. Among all current flavored e-cigarette users, the most commonly used flavor types among both middle and high school students were fruit, followed by candy, desserts, or other sweets; mint; and menthol”. In spite of flavored tobacco products driving the use of these products among youth, several jurisdictions across the US continue to allow the sale of these products in their localities. According to the most recent data from American Nonsmokers Rights Foundation, only 230 municipalities have enacted laws that restrict sale of flavored tobacco product including menthol. Link to the article:
In the Infographic must have:

  • Develop an infographic tailored for youth and young adults to quit vaping
  • You may include potential health effects for youth and young adults
  • Use of data and scientific evidence on “gateway effect” of e-cigarettes (those who start with e-cigarettes are more likely to use other products such as marijuana)
  • Use of data and scientific evidence on quit rates or quit attempts among youth and young adults and the barriers
  • Action items to overcome the barriers and quit

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