The final week is focused on tapping the wisdom of the mentoring experience, especially as it pertains to pastoral ministry. Processing journal entries and summarizing interview responses will require a bit of thought and conscientious reflection. Writing a well-organized report will necessitate some sifting and gleaning. The nuggets of wisdom that sheen in the sunlight will be worth the challenge.

Unit Seven “wraps it up.” It is hopeful that the practicum aspect of this course, the mentoring experience, will tie it all together. It is also hopeful that you have made a friend for life who won’t mind you calling in times of need.

Now is a good time to begin thinking about who YOU can “bring along.” Give it some thought and take off in that direction.

Upon completion of this unit you should be able to:
1. Capably write an interview and report of your experiences with your pastoral mentor.
2. Succinctly summarize pastoral insights gleaned from the several visits you have had with your pastoral mentor.
3. Demonstrate an expansion of knowledge of pastoral ministry through regular consultation with a pastoral mentor.
4. Begin implementing pastoral ministry in a local congregation under the tutelage of a competent pastoral mentor.
5. Offer your instructor commendations and constructive criticisms concerning the quality, content, and structure of this course.

? Textbook: Practical Guide for Pastoral Ministry
? Textbook: The Pentecostal Pastor: A Mandate for the 21st Century


Everyone is to respond to this discussion for a grade. In this discussion, evaluate this course. Lay it on the line!
? What did you like? What did you not?
? What helped you grow and stretch? What didn’t?
? How have you and your ministry been affected by this course?

? Your own experience

1. For your initial post, offer your instructor commendations and constructive criticisms concerning the quality, content, and structure of this course.

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