1. Under which conditions might a qualitative research approach be more useful than a quantitative approach?

-Provide at least two examples describing research projects and questions best suited to qualitative methods.


2. Under which conditions might a quantitative research approach be more useful than a qualitative approach?

-Provide at least two examples describing research projects and questions best suited to quantitative methods.


3. You are asked by a faculty mentor to plan a research study on K-12 science education. 

Perform a literature search on that topic using either PsycINFO, Education Full Text, or Google Scholar (use “search databases” to access one of those three). Feel free to limit the topic in any way you see fit.

Provide APA-formatted references for one quantitative and one qualitative journal article related to the topic

(Note: I want to see all proper reference components, capitalization, punctuation, and use of italics)



4. Identify three ethical issues that can be anticipated for a research study and indicate how you could address the issues . See the textbook for examples of common ethical issues.


5. What core arguments should be included in all research proposals? (See Ch. 4 and provide examples to demonstrate you know what each piece means).


6. In an introduction, you want to acknowledge a “deficiency” in past literature.

-What constitutes a deficiency?

-Provide a hypothetical example of a deficiency.


7. What is the difference between a purpose statement, research problem, and research question?



8. Provide examples of each of the following:

– One quantitative research question with a related hypothesis

– One qualitative research question with a related subquestion.

(Note: the research questions do not have to be on the same topic, and they can use any topic of your choosing, as long as your answers are not copied from any past assignments)



9. Discuss each of the following:

-The difference between a survey design and an experimental design in quantitative research

-The benefits of using a survey design



10. There are many different types of data collection methods in qualitative research. Pick any two of the four qualitative data collection methods mentioned in the textbook and do the following:

-Describe each of the two collection methods

-Compare/contrast the advantages and limitations of each

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