Part A (1500 words) Select a topic that relates to a particular health issue within your practice (or an area of interest if not practicing) that targets a specific population with common determinants of health* and write an essay on that topic that includes all of the following:

1. An introduction that provides general background information and includes why the issue is important to you. It also should provide a brief outline of the content of the remainder of Parts A and B

2. A demonstration of the significance of the topic in relation to the chosen population by including evidence using contemporary, primary epidemiological research (at least three (3) primary articles, which must be submitted with your assignment).

3. The relevant determinants of health

4. A demonstration of an understanding of the epidemiological and statistical terms used in the chosen articles (please note text book definitions will not be accepted).

*For example, diabetes is too broad a topic, a more focussed topic such as gestational diabetes in Papua New Guinea will enable you to address all of the criteria for this assignment Part B (1500 words) Based on the topic chosen in Part A, identify ONE (1) important current strategy used by ONE (1) of the following (either nationally or internationally) to address the issue**:

• your workplace,

• community,

• state or

• federal levels.

You should include an argument of the importance of each of the following:

• Collaboration

• Sustainability

• Capacity building Ensure that your arguments are supported by evidence from peer-reviewed articles.

Part B requires a conclusion that summarises the main points in both Parts A and B

Note: You must clearly indicate Parts A and B in your essay. **

NOTE: complex government strategies consisting of multiple approaches over a number of years cannot be addressed within the allocated word limit. Therefore, one targeted strategy only is recommended.

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