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Topic:  This is your final critical analysis essay on “My Last Duchess”.  This essay should be very simple IF you did the outline correctly.  Please follow my outline below and your essay will be extremely easy.

Directions:  Below, I will give an outline of how your final essay should flow, but still look at my sample attached for the heading and  title.  Remember as always: you cannot use personal pronouns or contractions.  Only use Arial or Times New Roman, 11 or 12 point font size.  Double space your work and of course indent all paragraphs.

Here is the outline of how your final essay should flow:

Your first paragraph should be:  Your introduction sentence(s) and your thesis statement.  Once you place them together then indent.

Your second paragraph should be: Your number 1 and that letter a.  Once you place them together then indent.

Your third paragraph should be:  Your number 2 and that letter a.  Once you place them together then indent.

Your fourth paragraph should be:  Your number 3 and that letter a.  Once you place them together then indent.

Your fifth paragraph should be: Your conclusion sentence.  Then indent.

The Works Cited should now be on a page by itself. The words Works Cited should be centered, and should NOT be in bold.

You should erase all roman numerals, all numbers and the letter a’s.  Your outline should start to look like an essay and NOT an outline.

Also, you cannot use contractions or personal pronouns. 


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