To choose any two articles from a given list and
a. What is the view of learning and learners taken by the authors of the articles? If you find it difficult to answer this question, explain why. For example, is it because the authors give insufficient detail; or their own position seems confused to you? (Approx. 600 words.)

b. What do you see as the key similarities and differences between the views of learning and learners taken in the two articles? Can you account for these in any way? (Approx. 200 words.)

c.In what paradigm positions would you put each of your chosen articles? Explain why you are making your decisions about this � what evidence do you find, explicitly or implicitly, in the articles? If you find this difficult, or are uncertain, explain why. Remember that many research studies are complex and multi-layered, so it is not surprising if a quick answer does not appear. (Approx. 600 words.)

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The Communications Loop (see diagram) is a critical part of every single flight. It is virtually impossible to engage in any flight activity, from general aviation to military tactical flying, without the use of some degree of communication. This communication might be between the pilot and other crew members, ATC, dispatch, Flight Service, or even other aircraft. Methods of communication might include verbal, body language (such as hand gestures), written, or data link/CPDLC. However, despite how critical communication is, research has shown that pilots and controllers make MANY communication errors. Why is this? For this discussion, you will consider common causes for breakdowns in the Communication Loop. Determine the meaning of “Noise” and “Filters” in the Communication Loop diagram. List at least five (5) common filters or barriers to communication. You may use examples from your own experiences. Then recommend methods to overcome filters in communication. Is one of the listed methods of communication less susceptible to noise, filters, and errors? If so, which one, and why?

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