The Task is part of developing a concise international marketing plan for Oz Tent (an Australian Company), entering the Canadian market. The chosen target market is millennials.

A 2,500-word analysis of external factors in the Canadian market must be done.

3.2 Market Analysis

In this section you need to demonstrate an understanding of the target country (Canada) market. As a guide, you should at least discuss: a definition of the market in which you will be competing; market size and outlook for the product/service in the target country market (ie current size of market and likely future trends; and market characteristics.



3.3 Competitor Analysis

Who are your competitors? Are there direct and indirect competitors? Are they aggressive competitors? What activities do they undertake?


3.4 Customer Analysis

Who are your customers? What are the primary cultural traits? Who makes the decision to buy? When do they purchase? What factors influence their purchase? Are they satisfied customers? Do they make repeat purchases?


3.5 Environmental Analysis

The ‘marketing environment’(PESTEL) refers to various factors which are uncontrollable to the manager and can affect how marketing activities are undertaken. Clearly, this is extremely important for the international marketplace. This includes demographic, economic, technological, natural, cultural, and legal/political factors. How can each of these affect your new plan? A Risk Analysis can be useful here for the identification of issues that need to be brought to the attention of Management.



3.6 SWOT Analysis

You will need to complete a Strengths and Weaknesses analysis of the company (in comparison to competitors or its ability to compete), and a separate analysis of Opportunities and Threats in the marketplace. This analysis should be a culmination of the analysis you have undertaken in the earlier sections of the Situation Analysis. This table needs to be analysed so that a conclusion/implications can be made about the current situation.




Atleast 8 references in harvard referencing style

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